STD or Sexually Transmitted Disease! Are you really aware of them?

Today’s subject would not be popular for many Malaysians especially among the Malays. It has been widely regarded as a natural taboo to discuss sexual related issues openly here. However, Sahabatul Ventures would like to address this issue nonetheless since it has come to our attention that there are many men and women out there who have a very open social lives and some of them has no idea whatsoever about the problems that they may get themselves into if such knowledge is not known in the first place.

This does not mean that we are cordoning such wild social lives as practiced by today’s men and women. As Moslems, we knew too well about what is right or wrong and this brief posting on STD or Sexually Transmitted Disease is nothing but a decent effort to share knowledge with readers. Please do not view us as some folks who are trying to corrupt and stain our beloved Malay Malaysian community with controversial information. If you feel that our work here today would only do more harm than good to the community, please write to us via our online correspondence form and notify us immediately. We would remove this posting right away.

Now, let’s go back to the topic in hand. Unfortunately for most Malay Malaysians, they only knew about seeking for cures or treatments on STD after realizing that they had been infected. It is indeed a very sad scene to see more and more Malay Malaysians are involved in such diseases. It is frightening to think what would happen to our future generations if such social ills are not curbed and checked soon.

So, what is STD in the first place? STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Disease, also at times referred to as venereal disease or VD. It is actually a social disease that is caused by human sexual relationships by means of sexual contact, vaginal intercourse, oral sex or anal sex. STD can even be transmitted through birth, use of needles or breastfeeding! Most of STDs are transmitted through the mucous membranes of the penis, vulva and mouth. Mucous membranes are not actually skins which is our first protective barrier. Mucous membranes does not have any protective mechanism, hence it is easy for foreign deadly pathogens to sneak in into our body.

This is why STD infections are more likely to be caused by sexual contacts than non-sexual contacts such as touching and shaking hands. I hate to mention this but for the sake of knowledge; I guess it should be okay. Even though mucous membranes does exists in our mouth, kissing would not transmit any STDs. This has been proven in many medical records but it is not entirely impossible. There have been a few rare and isolated reported cases of STD that may have been caused by kissing. Unfortunately, western medical world has dismissed the probability that kissing might transmit STD many years ago. They probably did that to avoid any unnecessary panic in their western communities.

It is important to take note here that some STDs or Sexually Transmitted Diseases can in fact be transmitted through direct skin contact! If you are engaged in any homosexual (lesbians too) activities, you should pay more attention to this. Herpes simplex and HPV (human papillomavirus) are such examples of STD diseases that can be transmitted through simple skin contact. I surely hope that this revelation would put some sense to people in these sexual groups.

One Malaysian Indian doctor once said to me that any forms of contact with another person or bodily fluids of another person can be considered to contain serious risk of transmitting STDs. Western communities then introduced a new word called safe sex which is quite common nowadays. They introduced many ways of decreasing the risk of contracting STDs such as the usage of condoms. They even go a step further by saying that the most effective way to prevent STD contractions are by avoiding sexual activity with any infected partner. They also encourage people to test their new partners for STDs before committing into any sexual activities. Doesn’t that sound really stupid? Who in the world today especially those who are sexually active that would willingly allow themselves be the subjects of a number of tests in the first place?

Moslems knew the solution to STDs long time ago. Just don’t get involved in any pre-marital sexual activities! Plain and simple!

So, today you knew a little bit more about STD or Sexually Transmitted Disease. Tell us; were you aware of STD before reading this posting? Please place your vote here.

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